An OrderedDict in Python is a dictionary class from the collections module. It is a subclass of the dict class. This is used to maintain the order of key-value pairs, in which keys are inserted to this dictionary.
Before Python 3.7 version – OrderedDict was more useful before Python 3.7 version. Before Python 3.7 version, regular Python dictionaries (dict) were unordered collection, which does not maintain the order of keys in which they were inserted.
After Python 3.7 version – From Python 3.7 version, normal dictionary (dict) start supporting (maintaining) the insertion order of key-value pairs. OrderedDict still offers additional features that might be useful.
OrderedDict() – This is the constructor to create an object
dict – This is the regular dictionary passed as an argument based on which OrderedDict object will be created.
ordereddict_object – This is the reference to the OrderedDict object.
OrderedDictis subclass of dict
OrderedDictis subclass of regular dictionary (dict). This we can verify using the issubclass() method.
from collections import OrderedDict
# check for OrderedDict as subclass of dictprint("check for OrderedDict as subclass of dict")print(issubclass(OrderedDict,dict))# Output => True
Create OrderedDict object
There are multiple ways to create OrderedDict object.
Empty OrderedDict object without the regular dictionary
OrderedDict object with dictionary
OrderedDict object using fromkeys() method
from collections import OrderedDict
# Scenario 1 - create empty OrderedDictprint("create empty OrderedDict")
empty_odict = OrderedDict()print(empty_odict)print(type(empty_odict))# Scenario 2 - create OrderedDict from dictionaryprint("create OrderedDict from dictionary")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)print(type(courses_odict))# Scenario 3 - create OrderedDict using fromkeys() methodprint("create OrderedDict using fromkeys() method")
fromkeys_odict = OrderedDict.fromkeys("shbytes")print(fromkeys_odict)print(type(fromkeys_odict))
In first scenario, we are using OrderedDict() without regular dictionary. This will create an empty OrderedDict object.
In second scenario, we are using OrderedDict({1:"AWS", 2:"Python", 3:"DevOps"}) to create an OrderedDict object. This object will have key-value pairs from the given dictionary and order of elements will be reserved in which they are inserted.
In third scenario, we are using OrderedDict.fromkeys("shbytes") to create an OrderedDict object. fromkeys() method takes any iterable like list, tuple, string as an argument and dictionary key-value pairs are created based on that. Iterable elements are taken as key and None is assigned as a value.
Program Output
create empty OrderedDict
create OrderedDict from dictionary
create OrderedDict using fromkeys() method
Most of methods with OrderedDict are similar to used with regular dictionary object.
from collections import OrderedDict
courses_odict = OrderedDict({'c1':"AWS",'c2':"Python",'c3':"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)print(courses_odict.keys())# Access all keys in orderprint(courses_odict.items())# Access all values in orderprint(courses_odict.values())# Access key-value pairsprint('c4'.join(courses_odict.keys()))# all keys are joined with c4 in between those keys
key – This is a mandatory parameter. It is the element key which needs to be moved at the end of the dictionary.
last – This is an optional parameter. True is the default value. When last=True, then key element is moved to the right end (last position) of the dictionary. When last=False, then key element is moved to the first position of the dictionary.
move_to_end() method raises KeyError, if the given key does not exists in the dictionary.
from collections import OrderedDict
# Scenario 1 - move_to_end(key, last=True) (default is True)# move an existing key to right end of an ordered dictionary, if last is True (the default)print("move an existing key to right end of an ordered dictionary, if last is True (the default)")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)# Original order of elements
courses_odict.move_to_end(2)# default value for last=Trueprint(courses_odict)# Order of elements after moving key element to right end# Scenario 2 - move_to_end(key, last=False) (default is True)# move an existing key to left end of an ordered dictionary, if last is Falseprint("move an existing key to left end of an ordered dictionary, if last is False")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)# Original order of elements
courses_odict.move_to_end(2,False)# last=False, key element move to left endprint(courses_odict)# Order of elements after moving key element at first position# Scenario 3 - raises KeyError if the key does not existprint("raises KeyError if the key does not exist")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)try:
courses_odict.move_to_end(4)# key 4 does not exist in dictionaryexcept KeyError as err:# raise and catch KeyErrorprint("error", err)
In scenario 1, using courses_odict.move_to_end(2) to move key 2 element to the right end (last position) of the dictionary. Default value of last=True.
In scenario 2, using courses_odict.move_to_end(2, False) to move key 2 element at the first position of the dictionary.
In scenario 3, courses_odict.move_to_end(4), where key 4 does not exists in the dictionary. KeyError will be raised.
move an existing key to right end of an ordered dictionary,if last isTrue(the default)
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',3:'DevOps',2:'Python'})# Element with key 2 move to the right end
move an existing key to left end of an ordered dictionary,if last isFalse
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
OrderedDict({2:'Python',1:'AWS',3:'DevOps'})# Element with key 2 move to the first position
raises KeyError if the key does not exist
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
error 4# Key 4 does not exists in the dictionary
Remove element from OrderedDict
We can use pop(key) and popitem(last) methods to take out the key-values from the OrderedDict.
odict.pop(key) – This method takeout the given key element from the dictionary. Key element value will be returned and element removed from the dictionary.
odict.popitem(last=True) – This method takeout the last element from the dictionary. It returns key-value pair for the element.
last is an optional parameter with default value True.
If last=True, then last element will be removed.
if last=False, then first element will be removed.
from collections import OrderedDict
# pop(key)# take out element with the given keyprint("take out element with the given key")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)# Original elements in dictionary
pop_value = courses_odict.pop(3)# Pop element with key 3print(courses_odict)# Elements after removing element with key 3print(pop_value)# Value for key 3# returns and removes a (key, value) pair, LIFO order if last is trueprint("returns and removes a (key, value) pair, LIFO order if last is true")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)# Original elements in dictionary
pop_item = courses_odict.popitem(last=True)# Pop last elementprint(courses_odict)# Elements after removing last elementprint(pop_item)# Element taken out# returns and removes a (key, value) pair, FIFO order if last is Falseprint("returns and removes a (key, value) pair, FIFO order if last is False")
courses_odict = OrderedDict({1:"AWS",2:"Python",3:"DevOps"})print(courses_odict)# Original elements in dictionary
pop_item = courses_odict.popitem(last=False)# Pop first elementprint(courses_odict)# Elements after removing first elementprint(pop_item)# Element taken out
Using courses_odict.pop(3) to takeout element with key 3 and its value will be returned.
Using courses_odict.popitem(last=True) to takeout last element from the dictionary.
Using courses_odict.popitem(last=False) to takeout first element from the dictionary.
Program Output
take out element with the given key
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python'})# Elements after removing element with key 3
DevOps # Key 3 element value
returns and removes a (key, value) pair, LIFO order if last is true
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python'})# Elements after removing last element(3,'DevOps')# last element key-value pair
returns and removes a (key, value) pair, FIFO order if last isFalse
OrderedDict({1:'AWS',2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Original order of elements
OrderedDict({2:'Python',3:'DevOps'})# Elements after removing first element(1,'AWS')# first element key-value pair
In this article, we learned about OrderedDict collection in Python. Following topics were discussed:
Q: How is the performance of OrderedDict compared to normal dictionary?
OrderedDict can be slightly slower than a regular dictionary because it has additional overhead to maintain the doubly linked list internally that tracks the order of keys. But from Python 3.7 version normal Python dictionaries also maintain insertion order.
Q: Give some use cases in which we have to use OrderedDict?
Some common scenarios where OrderedDict or order of dictionary is useful are:
LRU Cache Implementation – Since we can efficiently pop from the beginning and move elements to the end, it’s suitable for implementing LRU (Least Recently Used) caches.
Ordered JSON serialization – Sometimes we need to ensure the order of keys when serializing to JSON.
Maintaining Insertion Order – If we are working in environments where order of elements is important, in those scenarios we can use OrderedDict.
Q: Write an implementation for LRU Cache using OrderedDict?
from collections import OrderedDict
classLRUCache:def__init__(self, capacity):# LRUCache constructor with capacity
self.cache = OrderedDict()
self.capacity = capacity
defget(self, key):if key notin self.cache:return-1
self.cache.move_to_end(key)# Mark key as recently usedreturn self.cache[key]# Return value for keydefput(self, key, value):if key in self.cache:
self.cache[key]= value
iflen(self.cache)> self.capacity:
self.cache.popitem(last=False)# Remove least recently used item
cache = LRUCache(2)
cache.put(2,"Two")# Elements order => {1: "One", 2: "Two"}print(cache.get(1))# Output => One
cache.put(3,"Three")# Cache capacity is 2, first element to be removed to add new elementprint(cache.get(2))# Output => -1 (removed as least recently used)
Program execution workflow
cache = LRUCache(2) => Created LRUCache object with capacity 2
cache.put(1, "One") => Added first element in the LRUCache dictionary. Elements order => {1: "One"}
cache.put(2, "Two") => Added second element in the LRUCache dictionary. Elements order => {1: "One", 2: "Two"}
print(cache.get(1)) => Accessed element with key 1. Element key 1 will be moved to the last position. Element order => {2: "Two", 1: "One"}
cache.put(3, "Three") => Adding new element in the LRUCache dictionary, but capacity is 2. First element from the dictionary will be removed and new element be added. Elements order => {1: "One", 3: "Three"}
print(cache.get(2)) => Element with key 2 does not exist in the LRUCache dictionary. -1 will be returned.
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