Popular IDEs for Python in 2024 – Best Python Development Environments

IDEs are very important tool (application) for the software development. Working with good IDE improves the performance and working capability of a software developer. That is why it’s important to choose a good IDE for software development. Different developers choose different IDEs as per their working.

Before we start looking into details of the popular IDEs for Python, we should learn about the IDEs, why they are important for software developers and how they are different from simple code editors. Follow the article to learn more about Importance of IDE for Software Development.

Popular IDEs for Python (Best Python Development Environment)

Now let look into the popular IDEs for Python.

Note: In this article we are not going to do a comparison about the different IDEs for Python. Software developers chooses a particular IDE according to their own preference and working requirements.


PyCharm is a popular IDE for Python. PyCharm Download

It is mostly used with Data Science and Web Development. It is a product of JetBrains.

  • PyCharm is available in Community Edition and Professional Edition.
  • Its community edition is an open-source project and free to use.
  • It is lightweight, stable, and has multiple features.

Features of PyCharm IDE:

  • Python code editing capabilities, coding assistance, context-aware code completion, type hinting, quick documentation, and auto-imports – across the entire project.
  • Offers built-in support for leading database formats, including PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, and Redis.
  • Provides multiple language support and covers both full-stack web development and data science use cases.
  • Provides code optimization and profiling tools.
  • PyCharm’s out-of-the-box support for popular test frameworks and intelligent code completion helps embrace Test-Driven Development.
  • Provides fast code refactoring and flexible debugging options.
PyCharm - Popular IDEs for Python
PyCharm – Popular IDEs for Python

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is another popular IDE. Visual Studio Code Download

  • Visual Studio Code was developed by Microsoft and is an Open Source (free) IDE.
  • It is a lightweight and powerful source code editor.
  • It is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Supports multiple programming languages.
  • VSCode Documentation

Features of Visual Studio Code:

  • It provides built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js, along with other programming languages such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, .NET.
  • It provides all IDE functional capabilities like debugging, terminal, refactoring, unit testing, version control, and project management.
  • Also provides auto-completion, AI extensions, and the GitHub Copilot Extension.
  • It provides multiple extensions to integrate with third-party products.
Visual Code Studio - Popular IDEs for Python
Visual Code Studio – Popular IDEs for Python

JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook

JupyterLab is another popular IDE for Python. Jupyter Installation

  • Jupyter is a community edition and open source (free) to use.
  • The Jupyter project covers two important tools: JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook.
  • It provides capabilities for Python programming via a web browser.

Features of JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook:

  • Jupyter Notebook is a simplified, lightweight notebook accessible from a web browser.
  • JupyterLab offers more features compared to Jupyter Notebook.
  • Provides multiple notebooks in different tabs.
  • Additional tools like a customizable interface layout and system console.
  • Provides support for many scientific Python libraries.
  • Part of Python distributions like Anaconda and WinPython.
  • Free alternative to MatLab.
JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook - Popular IDEs for Python
JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook – Popular IDEs for Python


Spyder is another popular Python IDE developed by Spyder Project Contributors. Spyder Download

  • Spyder comes with an MIT license and is free and open source.
  • It was written in Python for Python.
  • It is mostly used in academic research, scientific computing, data science, and machine learning projects.

Features of Spyder IDE:

  • Provides a multi-language editor with syntax highlighting, code completion, and code analysis tools.
  • Integrated IPython console for interactive debugging, command control, and computing.
  • Variable Explorer: GUI to browse variables and their contents.
  • Documentation Viewer: Built-in documentation viewer for quick reference.
  • Integrated Debugger: Graphical debugger for efficient code troubleshooting.
  • Plots: Integration with Matplotlib for inline plotting and visualization.
  • Supports multiple plugin installations.
Spyder - Popular IDEs for Python
Spyder – Popular IDEs for Python

Sublime Text

Sublime Text is another popular IDE for Python. Sublime Text Download

  • Sublime Text was originally written by a Google engineer.
  • It supports multiple programming languages.
  • Sublime Text is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Features of Sublime Text IDE

  • It provides extensive customization options with settings, key bindings, and themes.
  • Provides an integrated package manager, context-aware auto-completion, and the ability to extend functionality using Python plugins.
  • Sublime Text can utilize GPU on Linux, Mac, and Windows while rendering the interface.
  • It remains fast and responsive, even with large files.
Sublime Text - Popular IDEs for Python
Sublime Text – Popular IDEs for Python


Thonny is another IDE for Python. Thony Download

  • Thonny IDE is for beginners and mostly used for learning and teaching purposes.
  • It is lightweight, open-source, and free to use.
  • It also provides community support.

Features of Thonny IDE

  • It provides the capability to understand program variables after execution.
  • Has the capability for simple debugging and step-through expression evaluation.
  • Offers different modes for reference and variable scope explanation.
  • Beginner-friendly system shell and GUI.
Thonny - Popular IDEs for Python
Thonny – Popular IDEs for Python


PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse. PyDev Download

  • PyDev can be used in Python, Jython, and IronPython development.
  • It is open source and free to use.

PyDev Features

  • PyDev provides easy integration with the Django framework for API development.
  • Provides code completion with auto-import, refactoring, and code analysis capabilities.
  • It also provides remote debugging and an interactive console.
  • Includes capabilities for unit testing and code coverage.
  • Integration with PyLint and MyPy for static code analysis.
PyDev - Popular IDEs for Python
PyDev – Popular IDEs for Python

Conclusion: Choosing the Right Python IDE

Choosing the best IDE for Python development depends on your specific needs, whether it’s for data science, web development, or teaching and learning. Each of these popular IDEs offers unique features tailored to different development environments. Whether you prefer the full functionality of PyCharm or the simplicity of Thonny, you have a variety of options to choose from.

For beginners, Thonny and Jupyter Notebook might be ideal, while professionals and researchers may prefer PyCharm, Spyder, or Visual Studio Code for their advanced tools. Tools like Sublime Text offer versatility with multiple languages and extensive customization.

Explore more about Python Operators and how to make the most of these IDEs in your Python projects.

Interview Questions & Answers

Q: What is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), and why is it important for Python development?

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) are important not just for Python development, but for any software development in any programming language. Various features and importance of IDE were discussed in following article – Importance of IDE for software development.

Q: Can you name some of the most popular IDEs used for Python development?

Answer to this question is discussed in detail in this article. Popular Python IDEs covered in this article are – PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, Sublime Text, Thonny, PyDev.

Q: What are some key features of PyCharm that make it a popular choice for Python developers?

PyCharm is popular Python IDE due to several key features. Read more detail about PyCharm IDE.

  • Intelligent Code Editor
  • Integrated Debugger
  • Project Navigation
  • Built-in Tools
  • Plugins and Integrations
  • Cross-platform Support

Q: How does Visual Studio Code (VS Code) compare to PyCharm for Python development?

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and PyCharm are both powerful tools, but both are slightly different and useful in different scenarios.

FunctionalityVisual Studio Code (VS Code)PyCharm
Lightweight vs. Full-featuredlightweight, highly customizable, faster and more responsive, good for smaller projectsmore feature-rich, comes with many built-in tools, better suited for larger, more complex projects
Extensions vs. Built-in Featuresrelies heavily on extensions to provide functionality like Python support, linting, and debuggingmany features built-in, reducing the need for additional setup
Community and Supportstrong community supportstrong community support; offers professional support with its paid version
InterfaceSimple interfacecomprehensive tool-set interface

Q: What makes Jupyter Lab a popular choice among data scientists and machine learning engineers?

Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab are popular choice of data scientists and machine learning engineers because of several reasons:

  • Interactive Environment: Jupyter allows users to write code in cells, small snippets of code and execute them independently, making it easy to test and see immediate results.
  • Integration with Data Visualization: Jupyter supports inline visualization tools, which is essential for data analysis, allowing users to generate plots and graphs directly within the notebook.
  • Markdown Support: Jupyter supports Markdown. This enables users to create rich text documentation alongside their code. This is important for valuable for reporting and sharing insights.
  • Support for Multiple Languages: Along with Python, Jupyter supports other programming languages like R, Julia, and SQL through various kernels.
  • Sharing and Reproducibility: Notebooks can be shared easily as a document or via source control platforms like GitHub. Jupyter Notebooks maintain the code, outputs, and documentation together, ensuring reproducibility.

Test Your Knowledge: Practice Quiz

JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebook - Popular IDEs for Python

Quiz on Popular IDEs for Python

Test Your Knowledge: How Well Do You Know the Popular IDEs for Python?

1 / 4

1. Which IDE integrates well with the Eclipse IDE and offers robust features for Python development?

2 / 4

2. Which IDE is particularly well-suited for data analysis and scientific computing in Python?

3 / 4

3. Which Python IDE is specifically designed as an educational tool for beginners?

4 / 4

4. Which of the following IDEs is known for its strong integration with Django and other web frameworks?

Your score is


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