Read following articles to learn more about variables, core datatypes and scope of variables in Python.
Set in Python
- Set is an unordered collection datatype. Unlike List and Tuple, elements in Set are not stored based on their index positions.
- Sets can store heterogeneous elements i.e sets can store elements of different datatypes including the collection elements except List. Set does not allow storing List as an element.
- Set is iterable collection. We can iterate through the elements in Set. But, there is no order defined for elements in Set. During iteration elements can come in any order.
- Set is mutable collection datatype. It means we can perform add (append), update (change), delete (remove) operations on the set objects.
- Set does not allow duplicate elements. Sets will always store unique elements. But we can store different case-sensitive elements in it. Elimination of duplicate elements from a collection is the primary use case of Set.
- Set in Python support mathematical operations like union, intersection, difference, and symmetric difference, subset and super-set.
We have covered each operation that we can perform on Sets in Python.