np.logspace(): Create Array of Evenly Spaced Numbers on Logarithmic Scale (with Example Programs)

NumPy is a powerful Python library for numerical computing, and np.logspace() is one of the powerful function to create array of evenly spaced numbers on logarithmic scale.

In previous tutorials, we learned about Key Features of NumPy Arrays in Python. This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide to understand how to use np.logspace() effectively, with examples.

np.logspace() to Create Array of Evenly Spaced Numbers on Logarithmic Scale

np.logspace() is a powerful function in NumPy that generates an array of numbers that are evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale. This is particularly useful when you want to create sequences of values over several orders of magnitude, such as in scientific simulations, logarithmic plots, or for applying algorithms that operate over logarithmic ranges.

Syntax => np.logspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, base=10.0, dtype=None, axis=0)

np.logspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, base=10.0, dtype=None, axis=0)
  • start (required) – This is the starting value of the exponent (base base). This value can be of float or integer. This defines the exponent of the base at the beginning of the range i.e basestart
  • stop (required) – This is the stopping value of the exponent (base base). This value can be of float or integer. This defines the exponent of the base at the end of the range i.e basestop
  • num (optional) – The number of evenly spaced samples to generate. This defines how many points will be generated in the interval between start and stop. This value can be of positive integer. Default is 50.
  • endpoint (optional) – This is of bool data-type. If True (default), stop is the last value in the sequence. If False, the sequence will end before the stop value, i.e., the last point will be just before base**stop.
  • base – This is the base of the logarithmic scale. It can be any number greater than 1 (e.g., 2.0, 10.0, etc.). Default is 10.
  • dtype (optional) – This is the data-type of the output array. If None (default), it is inferred from the input values.
  • axis (optional) – This is the axis in the result along which the logspace is computed. Default is 0. This is of int data-type. This is more relevant when creating multi-dimensional arrays.

How logspace() Function Works

The main idea behind np.logspace() is to compute a series of numbers that are spaced according to the logarithmic scale, rather than linearly. For the given base, the function generates numbers of the form:

  • base^start, base^(start + step), base^(start + 2 * step), ………, base^stop

For example, if the base is 10 (default), the function generates numbers of the form:

  • 10^start, 10^(start + step), 10^(start + 2 * step), ………, 10^stop

The step is determined by the number of points (num) you want in the range between start and stop. The values are spaced in such a way that the ratio of successive values remains constant.

How Step Size is Calculated for np.logspace() Function

np.logspace(start, stop, num, endpoint) => This function creates a series of numbers that are spaced according to the logarithmic scale, rather than linearly. This logarithmic scale computation of numbers is done based on step size. Step Size Calculation for np.logspace() is done based on a condition.

endpoint=True => The last value in the range will be exactly equal to base^stop value. The step size will be calculated as (stop - start), and dividing it into num - 1 equal intervals (because the last point is already included). => Step Size Calculation (endpoint=True) = (stop - start)/(num - 1)

  • Example: np.logspace(1, 3, num=10, endpoint=True)
  • The last value in this range will be exactly equal to 10^3.
  • Step Size = (3 – 1)/(10 – 1) = 2/9 = 0.222222
  • Array => 10^1, 10^(1 + 0.222222), 10^(1 + 2 * 0.222222), ………, 10^3
  • Output Array => [ 10. 16.68100537 27.82559402 46.41588834 77.42636827 129.1549665 215.443469 359.38136638 599.48425032 1000. ]

endpoint=False => The last value in the range will exclude the base^stop value. The step size will be calculated as (stop - start), and dividing it into num equal intervals (because the last point is excluded). => Step Size Calculation (endpoint=False) = (stop - start)/(num)

  • Example: np.logspace(1, 3, num=10, endpoint=False
  • The last value in this range will exclude value 10^3.
  • Step Size = (3 – 1)/(10) = 2/10 = 0.2
  • Array => 10^1, 10^(1 + step), 10^(start + 2 * step), ………, 10^(start + (num - 1) * step)
  • Last number of array = 10^(1 + 9 * 0.2) = 10^2.8 = 630.95734448
  • Output Array => [ 10. 15.84893192 25.11886432 39.81071706 63.09573445 158.48931925 251.18864315 398.10717055 630.95734448]
  • Step Size Calculation for endpoint=True = (stop - start)/(num - 1)
  • Step Size Calculation for endpoint=False = (stop - start)/(num)
np.logspace() - Create Array of Evenly Spaced Numbers on Logarithmic Scale (with Example Programs)
np.logspace() – Create Array of Evenly Spaced Numbers on Logarithmic Scale (with Example Programs)

np.logspace() to Create Array with Default Parameters

import numpy as np

# np.logspace() - Create an array from 10^1 to 10^3 (i.e., from 10 to 1000) with Default Parameters
logspace_array_1 = np.logspace(1, 3) # Generate 50 points for base 10 start from 1 to 3

# Output
# [  10.           10.98541142   12.06792641   13.25711366   14.56348478
#    15.9985872    17.57510625   19.30697729   21.20950888   23.29951811
#    25.59547923   28.11768698   30.88843596   33.93221772   37.2759372
#    40.94915062   44.98432669   49.41713361   54.28675439   59.63623317
#    65.51285569   71.9685673    79.06043211   86.85113738   95.40954763
#   104.81131342  115.13953993  126.48552169  138.94954944  152.64179672
#   167.68329368  184.20699693  202.35896477  222.29964825  244.20530945
#   268.26957953  294.70517026  323.74575428  355.64803062  390.69399371
#   429.19342601  471.48663635  517.94746792  568.9866029   625.05519253
#   686.648845    754.31200634  828.64277285  910.29817799 1000.        ]

In this program, np.logspace(1, 3) will generate num 50 points (default) for base 10 (default) start from 1 to 3.

  • First calculate the step size => (3 – 1)/49 = 0.0408163265
  • First number in array => 101 = 10
  • Second number in array => 10(1+0.0408163265) = 10.98541142
  • Third number in array => 10(1+ 2 * 0.0408163265) = 12.06792641
  • So on, all the numbers of the array are calculated upto the last number 103 => 1000
  • Default data-type of numbers is float.

np.logspace() – Create Array with Specified Number of Points (num)

import numpy as np

logspace_array_2 = np.logspace(0, 3, num=10)  # Generate 10 points from 10^0 to 10^3
# Output => [   1.            2.15443469    4.64158883   10.           21.5443469
#    46.41588834  100.          215.443469    464.15888336 1000.        ]

logspace_array_3 = np.logspace(0, 3, num=-10)  # Negative value for num
# Output => ValueError: Number of samples, -10, must be non-negative.
  • np.logspace(0, 3, num=10) => The num parameter controls how many points we need that are evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale. Here, we requested num (10) points, which gives an array of 10 values. The endpoint=True (default) option means that 10^3 is included as the last value.
  • np.linspace(0, 3, num=-10) => In this case, we have defined negative value to num (-10). This will raise an error ValueError: Number of samples, -10, must be non-negative.

np.logspace() – Create Array using a Different Base

import numpy as np

# np.logspace() - Create an array from 2^1 to 2^10 with base=2
logspace_array_4 = np.logspace(1, 10, num=10, base=2)
# Output => [   2.    4.    8.   16.   32.   64.  128.  256.  512. 1024.]

# np.logspace() - Create an array from 3^1 to 3^7 with base=3
logspace_array_5 = np.logspace(1, 7, num=7, base=3)
# Output => [   3.    9.   27.   81.  243.  729. 2187.]
  • np.logspace(1, 10, num=10, base=2) => base=2 means that the values will be spaced logarithmically with base 2, starting from 21=2 and ending at 210=1024. The sequence will be [21, 22, 23, …, 210], with 10 values.
  • np.logspace(1, 7, num=7, base=3) => base=3 means that the values will be spaced logarithmically with base 3, starting from 31=3 and ending at 37=2187. The sequence will be [31, 32, 33, …, 27], with 7 values.

np.logspace() – Create Array Excluding the stop Value using endpoint=False

import numpy as np

logspace_array_6 = np.logspace(1, 10, num=10, base=2) # Generate 10 points for base 2 start from 1 to 10
# Output => [   2.    4.    8.   16.   32.   64.  128.  256.  512. 1024.]

logspace_array_7 = np.logspace(1, 10, num=10, base=2, endpoint=False)
# Output => [  2.           3.73213197   6.96440451  12.99603834  24.25146506
#   45.254834    84.44850629 157.58648491 294.06677888 548.74801282]
  • endpoint=True ensures that the last value in the array will be base^stop. This array will have 10 values spaced logarithmically with base 2. Step size will be equal to (10-1)/(10-1) = 1. Output Array => [21, 22, 23, …, 210], with 10 values.
  • endpoint=False ensures that the last value in the array will not be base^stop (210 in this case). The values will still start at 21 but will not reach 210. The array will have 10 values spaced logarithmically with base 2. Step size will be equal to (10-1)/(10) = 0.9. Output Array => [21, 21.9, 22.8, …, 29.1]

np.logspace() – Specify a Different Data Type (dtype)

import numpy as np

logspace_array_8 = np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=str)  # Array with string data-type
print("String Array:", logspace_array_8)
# Output => String Array: ['1.0' '10.0' '100.0' '1000.0' '10000.0' '100000.0']

logspace_array_9 = np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=bool)  # Array with boolean data-type
print("Boolean Array:", logspace_array_9)
# Output => Boolean Array: [ True  True  True  True  True  True]

logspace_array_10 = np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, base=2, dtype=complex)  # Array with complex data-type
print("Complex Array:", logspace_array_10)
# Output => Complex Array: [ 1.+0.j  2.+0.j  4.+0.j  8.+0.j 16.+0.j 32.+0.j]

logspace_array_11 = np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=int)  # Array with integer data-type
print("Integer Array:", logspace_array_11)
# Output => Integer Array: [     1     10    100   1000  10000 100000]

The dtype argument forces the array to store numbers in given data-type, even though the numbers in the sequence are floa by default.

  • np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=str) => Returns an array with string data-type elements => ['1.0' '10.0' '100.0' '1000.0' '10000.0' '100000.0']
  • np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=bool) => Returns an array with boolean data-type elements. Boolean is False for number 0 and True for non-zero numbers. => [ True True True True True True]
  • np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, base=2, dtype=complex) => Returns an array with complex data-type elements. Number value is real part of complex and imaginary part is 0 => [ 1.+0.j 2.+0.j 4.+0.j 8.+0.j 16.+0.j 32.+0.j]
  • np.logspace(0, 5, num=6, dtype=int) => Returns an array with integer data-type elements. The numbers generated will be integers, so any fractional values will be truncated. => [ 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000]

Create Array in Descending Order using np.logspace()

We can create array in descending order using np.logspace() function.

  • If start < stop => Array elements will be in ascending order
  • if start = stop => Array with constant elements
  • If start > stop => Array elements will be in descending order
import numpy as np

logspace_array_12 = np.logspace(-3, 2, num=6, base=2)  # Array start=-3 (negative) and stop=2 (positive)
print("Array:", logspace_array_12)
# Output => Array: [0.125 0.25  0.5   1.    2.    4.   ] (elements in ascending order)

logspace_array_13 = np.logspace(-8, -3, num=6, base=2)  # Array start=-8 (negative) and stop=-3 (negative)
print("Array:", logspace_array_13)
# Output => Array: [0.00390625 0.0078125  0.015625   0.03125    0.0625     0.125     ] (elements in ascending order)

logspace_array_14 = np.logspace(2, -3, num=6, base=2)  # Array start=2 (positive) and stop=-3 (negative)
print("Array:", logspace_array_14)
# Output => Array: [4.    2.    1.    0.5   0.25  0.125] (elements in descending order)

logspace_array_15 = np.logspace(3, 3, num=6, base=4)  # Array start = stop = 3
print("Array:", logspace_array_15)
# Output => Array: [64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64.]

In this example, we will see how array elements can be in ascending or descending order based on positive and negative value for start and stop attributes.

  • np.logspace(-3, 2, num=6, base=2) => start (negative) is less than stop (positive) => Array elements in ascending order => [0.125 0.25 0.5 1. 2. 4. ]
  • np.logspace(-8, -3, num=6, base=2) => start (negative) is less than stop (negative) => Array elements in ascending order => [0.00390625 0.0078125 0.015625 0.03125 0.0625 0.125 ]
  • np.logspace(2, -3, num=6, base=2) => start (positive) is greater than stop (negative) => Array elements in descending order => [4. 2. 1. 0.5 0.25 0.125]
  • np.logspace(3, 3, num=6, base=4) => In this case start is equal to stop => Array will be of constant values => [64. 64. 64. 64. 64. 64.]

N-Dimensional Array using np.logspace()

import numpy as np

logspace_array_16 = np.logspace(1, 3, 6, base=10).reshape(2, 3) # Create a 2-D array (e.g., 2x3 array)
# Output => [[  10.           25.11886432   63.09573445]
#  [ 158.48931925  398.10717055 1000.        ]]

logspace_array_17 = np.logspace(1, 4, 24, base=2).reshape(2, 3, 4) # Create a 3-D array (e.g., 2x3x4 array)
# Output => [[[ 2.          2.18924707  2.39640137  2.62315735]
#   [ 2.87136977  3.14306893  3.44047723  3.76602735]
#   [ 4.12238218  4.51245656  4.93944116  5.40682855]]
#  [[ 5.91844179  6.47846568  7.09148101  7.76250202]
#   [ 8.49701741  9.30103525 10.1811321  11.14450682]
#   [12.19903947 13.35335573 14.61689747 16.        ]]]
  • np.logspace(1, 3, 6, base=10).reshape(2, 3) => This creates a 2-D array where the values are logarithmically spaced between 101=10 and 103=1000. We can change the shape or the parameters to suit your needs.
  • np.logspace(1, 4, 24, base=2).reshape(2, 3, 4) => This creates a 3-D array where the values are logarithmically spaced between 21=2 and 24=16.


In conclusion, the np.logspace() function in NumPy is a powerful tool for generating arrays of numbers spaced evenly on a logarithmic scale. This tutorial covered the essential aspects of np.logspace(), including its basic usage, how it calculates step sizes, and how it can be customized to suit various needs. You can create arrays with a default number of points, specify the number of elements, and even work with different bases.

Additionally, we explored how to exclude the stop value, specify a custom data type, reverse the order of the array, and generate multi-dimensional arrays. Whether you’re working with scientific data or need logarithmic spacing for machine learning or data visualization tasks, np.logspace() provides a flexible and efficient way to create and manipulate arrays on a logarithmic scale.

np.logspace() function in NumPy is useful for generating ranges for algorithms that deal with exponential or logarithmic growth. We can use this function for plotting graphs where the x-axis or y-axis uses a logarithmic scale (e.g., in frequency or time) or in histograms or binned data where you want to group data in logarithmic bins.

Code snippets and programs related to np.logspace(): Create Array of Evenly Spaced Numbers on Logarithmic Scale, can be accessed from GitHub Repository. This GitHub repository all contains programs related to other topics in NumPy tutorial.

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