np.linspace(): Create Arrays with Evenly Spaced Numbers in NumPy (with Example Programs)

NumPy is a powerful Python library for numerical computing, and np.linspace() is one of the most useful functions for generating arrays of evenly spaced values within a specified range.

In previous tutorials, we learned about Key Features of NumPy Arrays in Python. This tutorial will provide a step-by-step guide to understand how to use np.linspace() effectively, with examples.

np.linspace() to Create Arrays with Evenly Spaced Numbers

The np.linspace() function in NumPy is used to create arrays containing evenly spaced numbers over a specified range. It is particularly useful when you need a specific number of points between a given start and stop value.

Syntax => numpy.linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None, axis=0)

numpy.linspace(start, stop, num=50, endpoint=True, retstep=False, dtype=None, axis=0)
  • start (required) – This is the starting value of the sequence. This value can be of float or int data-type.
  • stop (required) – This is the end value of the sequence. This value can be of float or int data-type.
  • num (optional) – The number of evenly spaced samples to generate. This value can be of positive int data-type. Default is 50.
  • endpoint (optional) – This is of bool data-type. If True (default), stop is included in the output. If False, the sequence ends just before stop.
  • retstep (optional) – This is of bool data-type. If True, returns a tuple (samples, step), where step is the spacing between the values.
  • dtype (optional) – The data-type of the output array. If None (default), it is inferred from the start and stop values.
  • axis (optional) – It takes the input value of the axis along which the value will be stored. Default is 0. This is of int data-type. This is more relevant when creating multi-dimensional arrays.

How Step Size is Calculated for np.linspace() Function

np.linspace(start, stop, num, endpoint) => This function creates the number of points which are distributed evenly between start and stop. This even distribution of numbers is done based on step size. Step Size Calculation for np.linspace() is done based on a condition.

endpoint=True => The last value in the range will be exactly equal to stop value. The total length of the range (from start to stop) will be calculated as stop - start, and dividing it into num - 1 equal intervals (because the last point is already included). => Step Size Calculation (endpoint=True) = (stop - start)/(num - 1)

  • Example: np.linspace(0, 18, num=10, endpoint=True)
  • The last value in this range will be exactly equal to 18. The total length of the range (from 0 to 18) will be calculated as (18 – 0) = 18. Dividing it into (10 – 1) = 9 equal intervals (because the last point is already included).
  • Step Size = (18 – 0)/(10 – 1) = 18/9 = 2
  • Output Array => [ 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18.]

endpoint=False => The last value in the range will exclude the stop value. The total length of the range (from start to stop) will be calculated as stop - start, and dividing it into num equal intervals (because the last point is excluded). => Step Size Calculation (endpoint=False) = (stop - start)/(num)

  • Example: np.linspace(0, 18, num=10, endpoint=False
  • The last value in this range will exclude value 18. The total leangth of the range (from 0 to 18) will be calculated as (18 – 0) = 18. Dividing it into 10 equal intervals (because the last point is excluded)
  • Step Size = (18 – 0)/(10) = 18/10 = 1.8
  • Output Array => [ 0. 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9. 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2]
  • Step Size Calculation for endpoint=True = (stop - start)/(num - 1)
  • Step Size Calculation for endpoint=False = (stop - start)/(num)
np.linspace() - Create Arrays with Evenly Spaced Numbers in NumPy (with Example Programs)
np.linspace() – Create Arrays with Evenly Spaced Numbers in NumPy (with Example Programs)

np.linspace() to Create Array with Default Parameters

import numpy as np

linspace_array_1 = np.linspace(0, 20)  # Generate 50 points between 0 and 20

# Output
# [ 0.          0.40816327  0.81632653  1.2244898   1.63265306  2.04081633
#   2.44897959  2.85714286  3.26530612  3.67346939  4.08163265  4.48979592
#   4.89795918  5.30612245  5.71428571  6.12244898  6.53061224  6.93877551
#   7.34693878  7.75510204  8.16326531  8.57142857  8.97959184  9.3877551
#   9.79591837 10.20408163 10.6122449  11.02040816 11.42857143 11.83673469
#  12.24489796 12.65306122 13.06122449 13.46938776 13.87755102 14.28571429
#  14.69387755 15.10204082 15.51020408 15.91836735 16.32653061 16.73469388
#  17.14285714 17.55102041 17.95918367 18.36734694 18.7755102  19.18367347
#  19.59183673 20.        ]

The default behavior of np.linspace() is to generate an array with 50 evenly spaced values between start (0) and stop (10). The endpoint=True option means that 20 is included as the last value.

np.linspace() – Create Array with Specified Number of Points (num)

import numpy as np

linspace_array_2 = np.linspace(0, 18, num=10)  # Generate 10 points between 0 and 18
# Output => [ 0.  2.  4.  6.  8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18.]

linspace_array_3 = np.linspace(0, 18, num=-10)  # Negative value for num
# Output => ValueError: Number of samples, -10, must be non-negative.
  • np.linspace(0, 18, num=10) => The num parameter controls how many points you want between start and stop. Here, we requested num (10) points, which gives an array of 10 values evenly spaced between start (0) and stop (18). The endpoint=True (default) option means that 18 is included as the last value. This will create an array [ 0. 2. 4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18.] of float data-type.
  • np.linspace(0, 18, num=-10) => In this case, we have defined negative value to num (-10). This will raise an error ValueError: Number of samples, -10, must be non-negative.

np.linspace() – Create Array Excluding the stop Value using endpoint=False

import numpy as np

linspace_array_4 = np.linspace(0, 18, num=10, endpoint=False)  # Exclude the stop value
# Output => [ 0.   1.8  3.6  5.4  7.2  9.  10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2]

Setting endpoint=False ensures that the stop value (18 in this case) is not included in the array. The array contains 10 evenly spaced points, but the last one is less than 18. Output Array => [ 0. 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.2 9. 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2]

np.linspace() – Return the Step Size (retstep=True)

import numpy as np

linspace_array_5, step_size = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, endpoint=True, retstep=True)  # Return both the array and step size
print("Array:", linspace_array_5)
print("Step size:", step_size)
# Output => Array: [ 0.   2.4  4.8  7.2  9.6 12. ]
# Step size: 2.4

linspace_array_6, step_size = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, endpoint=False, retstep=True)  # Return both the array and step size
print("Array:", linspace_array_6)
print("Step size:", step_size)
# Output => Array: [ 0.  2.  4.  6.  8. 10.]
# Step size: 2.0

With retstep=True, np.linspace() returns a tuple with the array and the step size. The step size is the difference between consecutive numbers in the array.

  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, endpoint=True, retstep=True) => With endpoint=True, returned step size is 2.4
  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, endpoint=False, retstep=True) => With endpoint=False, returned step size is 2.0

np.linspace() – Specify a Different Data Type (dtype)

import numpy as np

linspace_array_7 = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=str)  # Array with string data-type
print("String Array:", linspace_array_7)
# Output => String Array: ['0.0' '2.4' '4.8' '7.199999999999999' '9.6' '12.0']

linspace_array_8 = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=bool)  # Array with boolean data-type
print("Boolean Array:", linspace_array_8)
# Output => Boolean Array: [False  True  True  True  True  True]

linspace_array_9 = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=complex)  # Array with complex data-type
print("Complex Array:", linspace_array_9)
# Output => Complex Array: [ 0. +0.j  2.4+0.j  4.8+0.j  7.2+0.j  9.6+0.j 12. +0.j]

linspace_array_10 = np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=int)  # Array with integer data-type
print("Integer Array:", linspace_array_10)
# Output => Integer Array: [ 0  2  4  7  9 12]

The dtype argument forces the array to store numbers in given data-type, even though the numbers in the sequence are floats by default.

  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=str) => Returns an array with string data-type elements => ['0.0' '2.4' '4.8' '7.199999999999999' '9.6' '12.0']
  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=bool) => Returns an array with boolean data-type elements. Boolean is False for number 0 and True for non-zero numbers. => [False True True True True True]
  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=complex) => Returns an array with complex data-type elements. Number value is real part of complex and imaginary part is 0 => [ 0. +0.j 2.4+0.j 4.8+0.j 7.2+0.j 9.6+0.j 12. +0.j]
  • np.linspace(0, 12, num=6, dtype=int) => Returns an array with integer data-type elements. The numbers generated will be integers, so any fractional values will be truncated. => [ 0 2 4 7 9 12]

Create Array in Descending Order using np.linspace()

We can create array in descending order using np.linspace() function.

  • If start < stop => Array elements will be in ascending order
  • if start = stop => Array with constant elements
  • If start > stop => Array elements will be in descending order
import numpy as np

linspace_array_11 = np.linspace(-8, 9, num=6)  # Array start with -8 (negative) and stop at 9 (positive)
print("Array:", linspace_array_11)
# Output => Array: [-8.  -4.6 -1.2  2.2  5.6  9. ] (elements in ascending order)

linspace_array_12 = np.linspace(-8, -1, num=6)  # Array start with -8 (negative) and stop at -1 (negative)
print("Array:", linspace_array_12)
# Output => Array: [-8.  -6.6 -5.2 -3.8 -2.4 -1. ] (elements in ascending order)

linspace_array_13 = np.linspace(8, -1, num=6)  # Array start with 8 (positive) and stop at -1 (negative)
print("Array:", linspace_array_13)
# Output => Array: [ 8.   6.2  4.4  2.6  0.8 -1. ] (elements in descending order)

linspace_array_14 = np.linspace(8, 8, num=6)  # Array start = stop
print("Array:", linspace_array_14)
# Output => Array: [8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.]

In this example, we will see how array elements can be in ascending or descending order based on positive and negative value for start and stop attributes.

  • np.linspace(-8, 9, num=6) => start (negative) is less than stop (positive) => Array elements in ascending order => [-8. -4.6 -1.2 2.2 5.6 9. ]
  • np.linspace(-8, -1, num=6) => start (negative) is less than stop (negative) => Array elements in ascending order => [-8. -6.6 -5.2 -3.8 -2.4 -1. ]
  • np.linspace(8, -1, num=6) => start (positive) is greater than stop (negative) => Array elements in descending order => [ 8. 6.2 4.4 2.6 0.8 -1. ]
  • np.linspace(8, 8, num=6) => In this case start is equal to stop => Array will be of constant values => [8. 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.]

N-Dimensional Array using np.linspace()

import numpy as np

# Create a 1-D array with 5 evenly spaced numbers between 0 and 80
linspace_array_15 = np.linspace(0, 80, num=5)  # 5 values spaced along the interval 0 to 80

# Now we create a 2-D 3x5 array where each row has these values spaced along axis=1
linspace_array_2d = np.tile(linspace_array_15, (3, 1))  # Repeat the array 3 times along axis 0 (rows)
# Output
# [[ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]
#  [ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]
#  [ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]]

# Now we create a 3-D 3x5*2 array
linspace_array_3d = np.tile(linspace_array_15, (3, 1, 2))  # Repeat the 2-D array 3 times along axis 0 (rows)
# Output
# [[[ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.  0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]]
#  [[ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.  0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]]
#  [[ 0. 20. 40. 60. 80.  0. 20. 40. 60. 80.]]]
  • np.linspace(0, 80, num=5) => This creates a 1-D array with 5 evenly spaced numbers along axis = 0.
  • np.tile(linspace_array_15, (3, 1)) => This creates 2-D array, repeat the 1-D array 3 times along axis 0 (rows)
  • np.tile(linspace_array_15, (3, 1, 2)) => This creates 3-D array, repeat the 2-D array 3 times along axis 0 (rows)

Plot Shapes & Curves using np.linspace()

We can use Python’s matplotlib library to plot the shapes and curves using values generated via np.linspace() function. np.linspace() function can generate the x-values (or even y-values) in a smooth, controlled manner.

  • Spiral – A spiral can be created using polar coordinates. The radius increases linearly as the angle (theta) increases.
  • Sine Wave – The sine wave can be plotted using the equation y = sin⁡(x). We can generate values for x using np.linspace() and then calculate y = sin⁡(x).
  • Ellipse – An ellipse can be plotted using the parametric equations => x = a * cos⁡(θ); y = b * sin⁡(θ) Where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the ellipse.
  • Parabola – A simple parabola can be plotted using the equation y = x2. We’ll use np.linspace() to create the x-values, and then calculate the corresponding y-values.
  • Circle – To plot a circle, we can parameterize it using trigonometric functions (sine and cosine). Here’s an example:
Plot Spiral and Sine Wave using np.linspace()
Plot Spiral and Sine Wave using np.linspace()

Program to Plot Spiral using np.linspace()

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

theta = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 1000) # Generate theta values (angle) from 0 to 4*pi
r = theta # Generate radius values that increase linearly with theta

# Parametric equations for the spiral
x = r * np.cos(theta)
y = r * np.sin(theta)

# Plot the spiral
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.title("Spiral: r = θ")
plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')  # Equal aspect ratio for proper spiral shape

Program to Plot Sine Wave using np.linspace()

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.linspace(0, 4 * np.pi, 1000) # Generate x values from 0 to 4*pi
y = np.sin(x) # Sine function

# Plot the sine wave
plt.plot(x, y)
plt.title("Sine Wave: y = sin(x)")


The np.linspace() is a versatile and key function for generating arrays of evenly spaced numbers. It is generally good when one needs control over the number of points given in a range. Understanding these key parameters like start, stop, num, and endpoint will help you craft arrays for your needs and can be used with scientific data, visualizations, and mathematical computations. Key points:

  • The np.linspace() function generates evenly spaced values.
  • You can control the number of values with num parameter.
  • The endpoint parameter decides whether the stop value is included.
  • retstep helps you get the step size between values.
  • dtype lets you define the data-type of the output array.

Code snippets and programs related to np.linspace(): Create Arrays with Evenly Spaced Numbers in NumPy, can be accessed from GitHub Repository. This GitHub repository all contains programs related to other topics in NumPy tutorial.

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