NumPy Array Attributes | ndarray Attributes (with Example Programs)

NumPy (Numerical Python) is a powerful library for numerical computing in Python. It provides support for large multidimensional arrays and matrices, and it also provides a collection of mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. Understanding the attributes of NumPy arrays is essential for efficiently working with them.

In previous articles, we learned about NumPy Arrays and How to create NumPy Arrays using Lists or Tuples or using different methods like np.arange(), np.linspace() and np.logspace(). In this tutorial, we will go through the most important attributes of NumPy arrays, explain them with example programs.

NumPy Array Attributes

There are multiple array attributes that we can access after creating a NumPy array. These attributes are very useful to understand the overall structure of array and while performing mathematical operations on them.

NumPy Array Attributes
NumPy Array Attributes


The shape attribute returns a tuple representing the dimensions (size) of the array. The length of this tuple indicates the number of dimensions (axes) of the array, and each element in the tuple represents the size of the array along that dimension.

import numpy as np

array_6 = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_6.shape)  # Output => (6,)

array_4x2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_4x2.shape)  # Output => (4, 2)

array_2x2x2 = np.array([[[12, 22], [44, 45]], [[82, 62], [42, 85]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_2x2x2.shape)  # Output => (2, 2, 2)
  1. For a 1-D array, shape will return a tuple with one element. The array array_6 is a 1-D array and has 6 elements, so its shape is (6,).
  2. For a 2D array, shape will return a tuple with two elements. The array array_4x2 is a 2-D array, so its shape is (4, 2).
  3. For an n-dimensional array, shape returns a tuple with n elements. The array array_2x2x2 is a 3-D array, so its shape is (2, 2, 2).


The ndim attribute gives the number of dimensions (axes) of the array. 0-D (zero dimensional) array is called as scalar.

import numpy as np

array_1 = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_1.ndim)  # Output => 1

array_2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_2.ndim)  # Output => 2

array_3 = np.array([[[12, 22], [44, 45]], [[82, 62], [42, 85]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_3.ndim)  # Output => 3
  1. Scalar (0-D array) has ndim = 0.
  2. 1-D array has ndim = 1. The array array_1 is a 1-D array, so array_1.ndim returns 1.
  3. 2-D array has ndim = 2, and so on. The array array_2 is a 2-D array, so array_2.ndim returns 2.
  4. n-D array has ndim = n, and so on. The array array_3 is a 3-D array, so array_3.ndim returns 3.


The size attribute returns the total number of elements in the array. It is equal to the product of the elements in the shape of the array.

import numpy as np

array_6 = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_6.size)  # Output => 6

array_10 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85], [78, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_10.size)  # Output => 10

array_8 = np.array([[[12, 22], [44, 45]], [[82, 62], [42, 85]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_8.size)  # Output => 8
  1. size can be used to get the total number of elements in any array, regardless of its dimensions. It is computed as the product of the dimensions of the array.
  2. array_6 is a 1-D array and has 6 elements, so its size is 6.
  3. array_10 is a 2-D array and has 10 elements, so its size is 10.
  4. array_8 is a 3-D array and has 8 elements, so its size is 8.

ndarray.shape vs. ndarray.size

While shape gives the dimensions (rows, columns) of the array, size tells you the total number of elements in the array.

import numpy as np

array_5x2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85], [78, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_5x2.shape)  # Output: (5, 2)
print(array_5x2.size)  # Output => 10

array_2x2x2 = np.array([[[12, 22], [44, 45]], [[82, 62], [42, 85]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_2x2x2.shape)  # Output: (2, 2, 2)
print(array_2x2x2.size)  # Output => 8
  • array_5x2 is a 2-D array, shape gives (5, 2), meaning 5 rows and 2 columns, while size gives the total number of elements, which is 10.
  • array_2x2x2 is a 3-D array, shape gives (2, 2, 2), while size gives the total number of elements, which is 8.


The dtype attribute returns the data type of the elements stored in the array. NumPy arrays can have elements of different data types such as int32, float64, complex128, etc. The dtype attribute is useful for checking the type of data stored in the array and for ensuring data consistency when performing operations.

import numpy as np

array_int = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_int.dtype)  # Output => int32

array_float = np.array([[12.23, 22.3], [44.6, 45.7], [82.9, 62.2], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_float.dtype)  # Output => float64

array_complex = np.array([[[1+2j, 2+1j]], [[5+4j, 6+4j]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_complex.dtype)  # Output => complex128
  • array_int array contains integer numbers and dtype will return int32.
  • array_float array contains float numbers and dtype will return float64.
  • array_complex array contains complex numbers and dtype will return complex128.


The itemsize attribute returns the number of bytes consumed by one element of the array. The itemsize attribute is useful for understanding the memory usage of the array. It is the size in bytes of each element in the array, based on its data type.

import numpy as np

array_int = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_int.itemsize)  # Output => 4

array_float = np.array([[12.23, 22.3], [44.6, 45.7], [82.9, 62.2], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_float.itemsize)  # Output => 8

array_complex = np.array([[[1+2j, 2+1j]], [[5+4j, 6+4j]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_complex.itemsize)  # Output => 16
  • The array array_int consists of int32 values, which typically use 4 bytes in memory. Its itemsize will be 4.
  • The array array_float consists of float64 values, which typically use 8 bytes in memory. Its itemsize will be 8.
  • The array array_complex consists of complex128 values, which typically use 16 bytes in memory. Its itemsize will be 16.


The nbytes attribute returns the total number of bytes consumed by the array. It is equivalent to itemsize * size. nbytes gives you the total memory usage of the array, which is useful for managing large datasets in memory.

import numpy as np

array_int = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_int.nbytes)  # Output => 24 (4 x 6)

array_float = np.array([[12.23, 22.3], [44.6, 45.7], [82.9, 62.2], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_float.nbytes)  # Output => 64 (8 x 8)

array_complex = np.array([[[1+2j, 2+1j]], [[5+4j, 6+4j]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_complex.nbytes)  # Output => 64 (16 x 4)
  • The array array_int has 6 elements, and each element is of type int32, which consumes 4 bytes. Therefore, the total memory usage is 4 x 6 => 24 bytes.
  • The array array_float has 8 elements, and each element is of type float64, which consumes 8 bytes. Therefore, the total memory usage is 8 x 8 => 64 bytes.
  • The array array_complex has 4 elements, and each element is of type complex64, which consumes 16 bytes. Therefore, the total memory usage is 16 x 4 => 64 bytes.

ndarray.T – Transpose of Array

The T attribute returns the transpose of the array. It swaps the rows and columns of the array (for 2-D arrays) or more generally, swaps the axes of the array. The T attribute works for arrays of any dimension, though it is most commonly used for 2-D arrays. For higher-dimensional arrays, it reverses the order of axes.

import numpy as np

array_6 = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_6.T)  # Output: [12 22 32 44 45 56]

array_4x2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
# [[12 44 82 42]
#  [22 45 62 85]]
print(array_4x2.T.shape) # Output => (2, 4)

array_3x2x1 = np.array([[[12], [44]], [[82], [42]], [[22], [72]]]) # 3-D array
# [[[12 82 22]
#   [44 42 72]]]
print(array_3x2x1.T.shape) # Output => (1, 2, 3)
  • array_6 is a 1-D array with shape (6,) and array_6.T transpose of this array shows no change in the shape.
  • array_4x2 is a 2-D array with shape (4, 2). With array_4x2.T the array is transposed, meaning its rows and columns are swapped. Shape of the transposed array is (2, 4).
  • array_3x2x1 is a 3-D array with shape (3, 2, 1). With array_3x2x1.T the array is transposed, meaning it will reverse the order of axes. Shape of the transposed array is (1, 2, 3).

ndarray.real and ndarray.imag

The real and imag attributes return the real and imaginary parts of the array, respectively. These are used for complex-valued arrays. These attributes are only meaningful for arrays of complex numbers.

import numpy as np

array_complex_1d = np.array([1+2j, 2+1j]) # 1-D array
print(array_complex_1d.real)  # Output => [1. 2.]
print(array_complex_1d.imag)  # Output => [2. 1.]

array_complex_2d = np.array([[1+2j, 2+1j], [5+4j, 6+4j]]) # 2-D array
print(array_complex_2d.real)  # Output => [[1. 2.] [5. 6.]]
print(array_complex_2d.imag)  # Output => [[2. 1.] [4. 4.]]

array_complex_3d = np.array([[[1+2j, 2+1j]], [[5+4j, 6+4j]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_complex_3d.real)  # Output => [[[1. 2.]]  [[5. 6.]]]
print(array_complex_3d.imag)  # Output => [[[2. 1.]]  [[4. 4.]]]
  • The 1-D array array_complex_1d contains complex numbers, so real and imag extract the real and imaginary parts as 1-D array only. array_complex_1d.real => [1. 2.]; array_complex_1d.imag => [2. 1.];
  • The 2-D array array_complex_2d contains complex numbers. real and imag attribute will extract the real and imaginary parts as 2-D array. array_complex_2d.real => [[1. 2.] [5. 6.]]; array_complex_2d.imag => [[2. 1.] [4. 4.]];
  • The 3-D array array_complex_3d contains complex numbers. array_complex_3d.real and array_complex_3d.imag will extract the real and imaginary parts as 3-D array.


The strides attribute returns a tuple representing the number of bytes that must be skipped in memory to move to the next element along each dimension. strides is particularly useful for advanced manipulation of memory layouts and optimization of memory access patterns.

import numpy as np

array_6 = np.array([12, 22, 32, 44, 45, 56]) # 1-D array
print(array_6.strides)  # Output => (4,)

array_4x2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
print(array_4x2.strides) # Output => (8, 4)

array_3x2x1 = np.array([[[12], [44]], [[82], [42]], [[22], [72]]]) # 3-D array
print(array_3x2x1.strides) # Output => (8, 4, 4)
  • array_6 is a 1-D array having 6 elements. The stride of 4 bytes corresponds to moving to the next element.
  • array_4x2 is a 2-D array having 4 rows and 2 columns. array_4x2.strides => (8, 4), the stride of 8 bytes corresponds to moving to the next row, and 4 bytes corresponds to moving to the next column.
  • array_3x2x1 is a 3-D array having 3 rows, 2 columns and 1 depth. array_3x2x1.strides => (8, 4, 4), the stride of 8 bytes corresponds to moving to the next row, 4 bytes corresponds to moving to the next column and 4 bytes correspond to moving to the next depth.


The flags attribute returns a dictionary-like object that provides information about the memory layout of the array, such as whether it is contiguous in memory, if it is a write-able array, etc.

import numpy as np

array_4x2 = np.array([[12, 22], [44, 45], [82, 62], [42, 85]]) # 2-D array
#   F_CONTIGUOUS : False
#   OWNDATA : True
#   WRITEABLE : True
#   ALIGNED : True
  • C_CONTIGUOUS indicates whether the array is stored in a contiguous block of memory in row-major order.
  • WRITEABLE indicates whether the array is writeable.
  • ALIGNED indicates whether the memory is aligned for efficient access.


Understanding the various attributes of NumPy arrays is essential for efficiently working with multi-dimensional data in Python. In this tutorial, we explored NumPy array attributes. Mastery of these attributes can significantly enhance your ability to manipulate, optimize, and understand NumPy arrays, ultimately making your data analysis and scientific computing tasks more efficient and manageable.

Code snippets and programs related to NumPy Array Attributes and topics covered in this tutorial, can be accessed from GitHub Repository. This GitHub repository all contains programs related to other topics in NumPy tutorial.

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